UniGe Microsoft 365 e-mail

In case your e-mail address has been activated or moved on Office365-Unige system, in this page you'll be able to find some informations about the application of the system.

You can find the Outlook web version at the page https://outlook.office.com/

Authentication takes place using the Office365-Unige credentials that you receive when you sign up for Office 365 from https://cedia.unige.it/office365. The username corresponds to the email address (for example: name.surname@unige.it, s1234567@studenti.unige.it). If you don't remember your own username you can recover it from here. If you are already registered, the email with which you can access will be shown to you. Password recovery can be found on the webmail login page or at https://passwordreset.microsoftonline.com/

If you want to make use of your e-mail in a client or with a device, here are the recommended settings:

  • If the device provides for it, you can only use the Exchange protocol in order to enter just your username and password
  • If the device doesn't provides for what above, it's possible to recover the server settings as indicated by the guide on this page, or in the webmail in Settings>mail>synchronize email

The Outlook app is available for both Apple and Android devices, and Exchange protocol compatibility is provided by almost all the default apps with which the different devices are equipped. For example, Exchange protocol is present in Apple mail, Gmail, Samsung default app, Oppo Xiaomi exc.
The webmail guide is available at this page.
The utilization of Microsoft Outlook app is recommended in order to have the full functionality of the Office365 apps connected to your account.

Last update 8 March 2023